miercuri, iunie 14, 2006

High school reunion

da.. au trecut 10 ani :) si chiar a fost draguta intilnirea cu fostii profesori / colegi :)
se pare ca am facut (noi fostii elevi) furori pe la liceu, deoarece am fost singura clasa din promotia noastra care am facut intilnirea de dupa 10 ani.

4 comentarii:

highclass spunea...

High school is the best period one could live, if you ask me. It's the road towards maturity, a road full of adventures!

mysocialsite spunea...

I have a very efficient method to keep in touch with my friends from high school: social networking sites. And they are also a good way to make new friends!

iphoneland spunea...

I still think that a better way to communicate are cell phones. Or iphones, more recently, since you also have many other applications on them.

teenagers spunea...

A high school reunion must be very touching..Meeting your old teenage friends, who became adults.